A bridge in central Minnesota exists that was a passageway between worlds.
Some chose the supernatural while others - purgatory - a passageway between heaven
and hell. Countless souls have passed in search of salvation or to continue a path of evil.
The author, now retired, wrote 75 unpublished individually handmade books.
Each book had a spiritual connection to Old St. Anne's Pass.
These books can be found at the Stearns History Museum in St. Cloud Minnesota.
For a complete list of these 75 books, please click on the, "About the Author" link.
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Due to a brain tumor, loss of vision and brain function, the author was
forced to stop writing in early 2019 at 75 books.
For the settlers living around Old St. Anne's Pass, they were highly charismatic in their Christian faith. Signs and symbols of both God and Satan were everywhere. The belief that all our actions were watched by divine power was without question.
Each of these books was written about a specific charismatic spiritual journey covering various real life events. These books connect the charismatic Christian faith of the past to present day journeys. None of these books were endorsed or supported by the Church.
For a brief explanation and pictures from sample books, click on the title. Currently these books are available to review at the Stearns History Museum.